Gioca gratis a Conan Exiles su Steam questo fine week end
Play Conan Exiles for FREE on Steam this weekend!
Funcom kicks off Steam Free Weekend for Conan Exiles, sweetens the deal with 50% discount. New Conan Exiles 2019 Trailer released, showing just how far the game has come since Early Access and launch!
OSLO, Norway – March 7th, 2019 – Funcom is excited to announce that Conan Exiles will enter its first-ever Steam Free Weekend, running from March 7th to March 10th. Simultaneously, the game is available for purchase at a 50% discount. Conan Exiles is an open world multiplayer survival game set in the savage world of Conan the Barbarian, where players must survive, build, and dominate either in single-player or multiplayer. Conan Exiles left Early Access and released in full on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 in May of last year and quickly became the bestselling and fastest selling Funcom game to date.
“From Early Access through launch to where we are today, Conan Exiles has made an exceptional journey and we are incredibly proud of what it has become,” said Funcom CEO Rui Casais. “With the continued support from our community we have had the opportunity to keep expanding on the game with new content, new features, and continuous improvements to technology and gameplay. We are truly excited about the opportunity to open the flood gates this weekend and allow everyone a chance to try it out.”