Dead Rising 3: aggiornamento disponibile
E’ disponibile il primo aggiornamento per Dead Rising 3 per Xbox One. Il peso di questo è di “solo” 13GB e contempla le seguenti migliorie.
- Content for DLC episodes 3 and 4 added as part of this CU.
- Various Stability Fixes.
- Various Performance Improvements.
- Online Stability improvements.
- Added a progress bar to main menu while installer is running.
- Fixed an issue which could allow the user to overwrite their save file during streaming install while the game is booted.
- Fix for missing English VUI command in Multiplayer menu.
- Some improvements to item pickups.
- Fixed a reproducible issue where the player could get out of the world.
- Fixed an issue where music wasn’t present during the streaming install.
- Fixed some mission scripting issues.
- Fixed an issue which could cause some co-op players to not progress blueprint collection achievements correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the UI was not updating properly.
- Fixed an issue which caused glass textures to appear low-res.
- Fixed an issue which could cause shadows to render incorrectly.
- Fixed a texture issue with the Golden SledgeSaw weapon.
- SmartGlass stability fix.